Alphonse: “OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!”

Bridget: “Whachu talkin’ ’bout, Momma?”

Not a whole lot else to say about this page, since, as I mentioned, it easily could have been mashed together with yesterday’s. But hey, with lots of space to fill, I could put more emphasis on the faces. You may commence squeeing.

Also, there SHOULD be a new Voting Incentive up… “should” because, well, I’m writing this a day before, and it’s POSSIBLE that I might not get the thing loaded before the update goes live. So, if you go vote and it’s still the previous page… well, try again in a few hours and everything should be good.

EDIT: Sure enough, it wasn’t ready in time. Sorry, guys! Everything’s up and running now. AND I’m finally updating the Incentive Gallery again!