Uh oh, pages are starting to get a little late again. Well, I’ve got tomorrow and Tuesday off work, so I’ll try my darndest to get ahead of the game.

On a happier note, THE MIDDLE PANEL IS PRETTY MUCH THE BEST THING EVER. Try to contain your squeeing, people. TRY, at least.

Fun Fact: I made a conscious effort to draw the kids a little bigger than usual in that panel. Usually, I just draw them small enough for Tabitha to carry around, but since Tabitha’s supposed to be one tall drink of water, it stands to reason that they’d looks less tiny next to some one else. (The better question: did anyone ever notice that Tabitha was supposed to be taller than anybody else? EVER?)

By the way, if you were wondering (and you guys are smart, SOMEBODY must be thinking about it), this little episode happens before the whole bit where Kevin and Megaweapon got their hearts and heads knocked around. Thus, for this story, Kevin’s still a neglectful, self-absorbed jerk and Megaweapon’s still a Tasmanian devil.

..and now that this is established, it’s unfortunate that these kids stayed at the hotel during the mad scientist convention. I get the feeling Alphonse and Bridget would have enjoyed seeing Jenna again.

AND SPEAKING OF THAT (wow, lot’s of commentary this time, huh?), there really must be some elaborate rules about guests not causing problems and equally elaborate means of enforcing them. There is just no WAY that Bridget wouldn’t go bash Megaweapon’s face in unless there was something really serious holding her back (Maybe the Hector Home for Mad Science exists in a state of temporal grace?)

(Historical Notes: Awww, look at Past Me acting like the decision to have Tabitha be tall didn’t happen until well after I’d started drawing her the same height as Layla.  That’s just adorable! …then again, maybe I was briefly mixing her up with Stilez, who legitimately WAS supposed to be taller than she looked in most of her early appearances.  December’s always a busy time, so I can’t put it past me to have some wires crossed at the time.  Also, even after all these years, I STILL struggle with keeping Bridget & Alphonse’s height consistent when they’re in the presence of people who aren’t as tall as Tabitha.)