I’m not sure if I should be pleased that my impromptu one-update-a-week break happened to give me some breathing room for an extra holiday page… or be annoyed that I allowed my “days off” to be cut short by said holiday. I’d say I should plan these things out better, but if I planned things out better, I wouldn’t need impromptu breaks to begin with.

Speaking of which, my original idea was to have an entire wall of cards behind Lil’ Layla, all actual mother’s/fathers/Christmas/birthday cards I’ve actually made for family in the past. Believe me, I’ve made enough cards over the years that they could easily fill a whole wall… and you’ll HAVE to believe me, because when I went poking through my folders last night, I couldn’t find most of them. I mean, I’m sure I’d saved them at SOME point, but they’re gone now. A few dozen total, all mysteriously vanished. Somebody alert the Lost Media Wiki.

(Historical Notes: Don’t joke about that stuff, Past Me.  Lost content is gonna seem a lot less funny to you in less than two years.)