Have I mentioned recently that Jenna’s absolutely adorable? Jenna’s absolutely adorable, just thought I’d mention that.

Also, the thought just now occurs that the box of valentines ought to indicate that Jenna bought them from Layla, used. Layla probably just erased the names from the unwanted ones SHE got last year and figured she could make a quick buck off ’em.

(Historical Notes: Two things to note here, the first being that I FINALLY got sick of Past Me flip-flopping between Jenna having that cowlick and have just started adding it to any page where it originally wasn’t.  Second, the original intention of this page was to suggest that Jenna’s just acting on an “I’ve got a crush on EVERY boy!” impulse, but the thought now occurs that Jenna would probably try to send a Valentine’s card to everybody everywhere, just so nobody would feel left out.  Because Jenna is to good and pure for this sinful world.)