So, previous Thanksgiving pages involved a bunch of characters and (usually) elaborate food happenings. This time, I wanted to do something simpler, as simple as Turkey-in-a-Can!

…how that resulted in one of the more borderline-fanservice pictures of Layla so far is beyond me. (Okay, so it’s not really “fanservice-y” at all. Still, when you concider how conservatively Layla dresses most of the time, the very sight of *gasp* bare legs seems positively SCANDALOUS!)

So, yeah! Happy Thanksgiving! As you read this, I’ll be down in Raleigh getting my holiday on. HOPEFULLY I got Friday’s page finished and online before I left. If not… well, we’ll know in 24 hours.

(Historical Notes: So, this is another one of those pages where I did a crap-ton of re-editing that I specifically hope nobody notices, just to try and make Layla’s pose a bit less stiff than it was in the original.  That wouldn’t be too terribly remarkable if it wasn’t round TWO of the editing.  In one of my more embarrassing lapses in concentration this week, I accidentally spend a few hours cleaning up the NEXT YEAR’S Thanksgiving page instead of the one that’s actually supposed to go here now.  Because that’s the kind of mistake a professional cartoonist makes.  Also, insert line about how tame this page is compared to some of the later Layla fanservice HERE.)