I can’t even begin to properly process that. Ten years. An entire decade. Nearly a third of my entire life. That’s a loooooooong time to spend on one uninterrupted comic run. And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way… unless that other way involved, like, several million more dollars than I have right now, but whatever. The point is, I’m IMMENSELY proud that Far Out There has continued to exist as long as it had, and deeply grateful to everyone who’s stuck with it all this time. Here’s to several more decades! …and to people who donate on Patreon to ensure that happens! Hint hint!

…and yeah, that’s not some clever photoshop or whatever, the idea from the 2nd birthday comic has actually manifested in the real world! And let me tell you one thing right now: all that frosting is GROSS. It’s a good thing the cake is in Gright’s image, because I’m pretty sure all those chemicals and food coloring subtracted a few years off my life. Next time, I should do something a little smaller. Like, I dunno, a bunch of Xal-Gox cookies or whatever.

Anyway, just in case you missed the bit of news last week, there’s going to be a special Valentines page tomorrow, and then regular updates resume on Friday. And there SHOULD be a new Voting Incentive up by the time any of you read this, though since I’m writing this a few days in advance, I’m honor-bound to mention that there MIGHT be an unforeseen delay.

So, yeah, thanks again for ten great years!

(Historical Notes: This is still one of the weirdest/best comic-related things I’ve ever done.  It almost feels like a waste that it just wound up as a snack for me and a few friends.  I wish I could have found a way to to ACTUALLY send out a piece to readers without it going horribly wrong.  Also, I’m only just not noticing this, but was there not a 9th birthday page?  Huh…)