So, usually I do a special page for New Year’s DAY, but the thought occurred that, in this part of the world at least, it’s really New Year’s EVE that we celebrate. The actual 1st of the year is just for sleeping off the previous night’s parties. So, this time I’m putting one last page up before 2014 ends, so let’s all party and… be… merry…

Oh, who am I kidding, nobody’s paying attention to any of that. You’re too busy thinking “Wow, he’s just HANDING shippers fanfic material now, isn’t he?” aren’t you? AREN’T YOU? I don’t even know how it happened! I was trying to think of fancy party clothes for some of the girls, the thought occurred that Tabitha honestly looks better in a suit than a dress, and suddenly this page was sitting there done! And it’s actually pretty good! I couldn’t not use it! AT this point, the only way I can maintaining plausible shipping dependability is to point out that holiday pages aren’t cannon, and even if they were, Tabitha’d probably escort ANYONE around like that just for the sake of getting in on the Fancy Party fun. Layla’s probably just the only person she could get to come with her, and probably didn’t expect Tabitha to start doing anything that could be misconstrued as “date stuff”.

(I’m sure I’m severely overreacting, but I’ve seen a bunch of fandoms flip their lids over various shipping matters recently, and it’s kind of scary to have even the slightest possibility of it happening around here. Nobody wants to dump tons of time and energy into telling a story, only to have people freak out because it threatens their precious OTP)

Anyway, the next real page will be up on Friday, though as I mentioned before, there won’t be a new Voting Incentive until after I’m back from Ichibancon. See you guys next year!

(Historical Notes: Ov vey, SHUT UP, PAST ME!  Can you tell I’d been up for nearly two days straight when I wrote that?  Yeah, that is NOT the reaction of somebody who’d slept recently.  I dunno, maybe I’d just read some nightmarish tale of fandoms gone bad on TV Tropes and was hung up on it in my delirious state.  These days, I really don’t care.  I’m gonna write what I feel like writing, regardless of what anybody else says I have to.  Oh, and speaking of dazed confusion, that first paragraph hints at something that still annoys me.  Because I’d done the previous New Year’s comic for New Year’s DAY, doing this one for New Year’s EVE technically means that 2014 has two New Years comics in my folder instead of just one.  IT’S NOT SYMMETRICAL!!)