I’ve been wanting to to a full webcomic-themed Halloween page for a while now, but the sad truth is I never read enough webcomics to actually cover the whole main cast. Even now, I kinda had to significantly cheat. But hey, I happen to think that’s one clever little cheat up there.


And, of course, if you wanna check out where all these costumes are from, here’s a quick cheat sheet:

Jenna is Undine from Sleepless Domain

Bridget, Alphonse, and Tabitha are Steffi, Ben, and Gear from Kiwi Blitz

Avatar and Ichabod are Dr. McNinja and King Radical from Dr. McNinja

…and Layla and Trigger are from some loser comic nobody cares about.


Oh, and don’t forget, there’s also a Halloween-themed Voting Incentive that’ll be swapped out when the next REAL page goes up tomorrow. So vote away! Oh, and Happy Halloween!

(Historical Notes: Cue the usual “and most of these comics are either done or on hiatus” remark.  Heck, even the SELF-references qualify as I write this!  Also, I very nearly tagged “Ichabod” just for Layla’s costume, and not even as a joke.)