It’s Mother’s Day, and you know what THAT means! Yep, it’s time for another random filler holiday Far Out There comic! …oh, and you should probably call your Mom or something, too.
So, originally my idea for a Mother’s Day comic was to do something involving Layla’s Mom, but that idea was way too depressing. We only get Far Out There every so often right now, I don’t wanna waste it on something that isn’t funny. So I tried to think of any characters with Moms we haven’t seen before, or might even BE Moms without us knowing it… and somehow the first thing that sprang to mind was Aunt Domino talking to a bunch of cans like they were her kids. My mind is WEIRD.
Oh, and fun fact, that card the Fish Heads are giving her is actually a scan of the card I made MY Mom this year. Let it never be said that I’m not as good a son as a jar of fish heads.

(Historical Notes: I could be misremembering this, but I THINK it was while working on this page that I first had the idea to do the Christmas 2020 comics the way they turned out, at least partially because I felt like I couldn’t use any other Nitpicker characters without formally introducing them first.)