Happy 2012!
There! I DID get this thing done before New Year’s Day was over! Sorry about the delay, but apparently some stray bolt of lightning fried my computer’s power supply or something over Christmas. Thus, there was a SLIGHT delay in finishing this page.
But I think it was worth it! As soon as I tacked that little throwaway line onto the last page of Stilez vs. Christmas, I knew what the New Year’s page had to be. Since most of her appearances have veered to the side of cute and cuddly (mostly to keep the comedy coming) I really felt like we needed to get a glimpse of the terrifying force of destruction everyone CLAIMS Stilez is. In fact, I had to redraw half this page to get that effect. My first attempt at Stilez tearing robots up looked to… goofy, and there wasn’t any sense of danger, so I started over.
Yeah, THIS is the Stilez that the rest of the universe is terrified of. Bloodthirsty and feral! I dunno how often we’ll see this side of her, since it IS hard to write around, but now you know what the deal is.
So, yeah. Regular new page (and new voting incentive) on Tuesday!
(Historical Notes: Oh wow, this turned out to be a VERY prophetic page, didn’t it? I can’t even claim to have done it on purpose, because I TOTALLY didn’t have that story written out yet!)
The only thing here that kind of feels like a continuity or consistency error is that characters have mentioned in the past, and also in the future from this strip, about how there’s no good closeup clear pictures/video of Stilez. I suspect this news station did an AI-generated simulated video of what Stilez might look like killing robots based on some distant orbital footage of the event.
I’m already constantly reading warnings that we need to be careful about believing any “news” we see on the interwebs, blah blah ai deepfake blah blah etc. – so just imagine how much worse it is in a million years or so. Though I guess it’s a pretty accurate fake based on the reaction of the guy who has seen Stilez up close. And who wants to watch boring real news anyway?
Yeah, I should Special Edition in a little “Artist’s Rendition” or “Dramatic Reenactment” disclaimer in the corner of the screen…
nah, the news doesn’t let you know that currently. there is probably fine print written on the green screen that is covered with the image but legal team says it counts
That’s probably much of the Stilez mystery to the general public, who recognizes that nothing on the news is real, even the stuff that actually is. When surveyed, 68% of the general public stated that they did not believe in Stilez at all, the news orgs completely made her up because catgirls are ratings gold, there’s no way there’s really a giant killer catgirl going around destroying planets. The remaining 32% being a range of options of partial to total belief.
97% of those surveyed, however, admitted they always click on any Stilez related content anyway, because Giant Killer Catgirl!!!