“Seriously, man, I’m just doing a cameo in your comic until MY comic about anime conventions starts updating again!  I wasn’t even supposed to BE here!”

And thus ends seriously one of the most stressful Christmas updates I’ve ever done, for reasons COMPLETELY unrelated to the actual making of the comics themselves.  Under normal circumstances, I would have been able to knock out 25 of these tape covers in just over a week, then have the rest of this month to relax and actually ENJOY the holidays for once.  Instead, the whole SmackJeeves situation happened, I’ve been dealing with a lot of weird computer stuff, and there’s all kinds of wild Real Life Family Stuff going on right now too (nothing bad or anything, just very routine-disrupting), and instead of finishing this weeks ago, I’m only completing this last page a few hours before it goes live.  *sigh* Maybe next year…

In the meantime, if you didn’t see the big announcement on blitzthecomicguy.com, Far Out There will NOT be going back to regular updates on Friday.  Due to website shenanigans, normal updates are on hiatus until I get the new faroutthere.com fully set up.  There WILL be random special holiday pages going up both here and the other social media pages and *sigh* SmackJeeves too. First up is New Year’s, a mere week from today!  The sign is correct, we’re still open!

Finally, and firstly, thank you anyone and everyone who’s continued to read my stuff in the midst of all this upheaval and weirdness.  Work on the new sites should go a LOT faster now that so many of these distractions are past, so keep checking back for news on what’s happening where!  And, of course, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

(Historical Notes: I dunno, Past Me, given how this past year has gone, I think you still would have needed to start these pages a lot earlier than you did if you ever expected to actually get done a meaningful amount of time before Christmas.  I mean, I basically had a YEAR to work on the 2020 comics and still had to work well into December to finish everything up.  Also, there’s a PROFOUNDLY obscure easter egg in this page as well… and I’m going to refrain from explain it to anybody. MWAHAHAHAHA!  Well, that’s the last batch of 2019 comics.  I just need to go get some more sleep and finally get that latest, weirdest year online…)