The presence of the huge color gradients all over all the panels is to accentuate the contrast of emotions on display, and TOTALLY not because I needed to hurry up and get this page out the door quickly and this was faster than coloring all the characters in. Nope, not at all. EXCLUSIVELY an artistic choice.

…but yeah, in all seriousness, sorry for another late page. Aside from oversleeping JUST enough to throw everything off schedule yesterday but not anywhere near enough to actually feel refreshed, this was one of those pages that just didn’t want to be drawn. I had to throw out at LEAST one whole draft of each and every panel and start from scratch. I think I basically ended up drawing this whole page, like, three times over before finally gathering up enough usable art to make a whole page. Gee, it’s almost as if I’m running on fumes after working constantly for a whole month!

But the good news is, those extra Conventional Wisdom comics are FINALLY up on Patreon… and I’m really gonna TRY to finally get all those Far Out There pages up by Christmas, too. I mean, SOMETHING will go up on the 25th. I might end up having to post chunks of a few pages at a time over the following few days if I don’t manage to finish editing everything over the weekend, but it’ll at least START going up then. And remember, if you’re not a patron already, you’ll be able to start reading all this stuff if you donate as little as a measly $1 a month!

OH! And somehow in the midst of all this confusion, I managed to get a fresh Voting Incentive up too! Rest? What’s that?

(Historical Notes: Looking back at it now, easily the most dated thing about this surface-level depiction of wrestling fan is that NOBODY is aggressively a fanboy of some other promotion and arguing that it’s better than FOT.  At least one person should be thinking waaaaay too hard about whether or not Conventional Wisdom Pro Wrestling actually “won” for the week.)