Okay, I was able to avoid it yesterday, but this time I really need to just post the work-in-progress before I pass out. I’ve already complained at length about all the other stuff I’m trying to get done on top of these pages (the extra Conventional Wisdom comics for Patreon are actually done at this point, I just haven’t had the time OR SUFFICIENT REST to actually get them online yet) so I won’t repeat myself here. Just check back sometime this evening for the final version.

It’s a shame, too, because I’m quite pleased with this page, aside from the fact that it’s not actually complete yet. All the little details on everybody’s snacks were a lot of fun, more so than the actual dialog. I dunno if can actually read the pizza box (the final draft will replace the handwritten parts with typed text) but it’s my favorite awful thing I’ve written in a while.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to see if I can make it from the desk to the bed without falling over…

(Historical Notes: All these pages of people eating food is legitimately making me hungry.  I don’t even care that most of it looks disgusting.)