Oh, um, Merry Christmas, I guess!  We’re… done here?  No, of course not.  This is just another instance where my struggle to wedge as much content into as few pages as possible resulted in the pacing being a little… wonky.  If I’d had more time to do additional passes at this material, I have a feeling this page would have turned out a lot different.  But see, this is why I don’t normally do a page a day.

And on a related note, there SHOULD be a fresh TWC Voting Incentive up by the time this page goes live… and this time, I might even copy/paste the correct image address the first time around!  Of course, all of that assumes that I’ll successfully remember what day of the week it is long enough to actually swap out the Incentives at the proper time.  That’s ANOTHER reason I don’t normally do a page a day.