April Puppets
That’s right, kiddies! Let’s all gather ’round for Far Out There Fun-Time Puppet Theatre! Coming soon to an old episode of Sesame Street near you! Look for it right in between the cutout numbers and those trippy pinball machine shorts were supposed to teach us how to count to twelve… you know, the fact that I grew up on artsy film student stuff like this really explains a lot.
BUT YES, I have managed to find yet another medium that had gone completely untapped for a Far Out There April Fools comic until now. Maybe next year will be sock puppets?
Anyway, there should HOPEFULLY be a completely normal page ready to go up tomorrow by the time you read this. I have to guess, because I went ahead and got this page all queued up and ready on Wednesday specifically to make sure I’d still have time to get a regular page done for Tuesday. Here’s hoping that actually worked out!
Alternate idea for next year’s April Fools comic: legos! As far as I can tell by checking the tag, you haven’t done that yet.
Duuuuuuude, that is a DANGEROUS idea to put in my head…
lego spaceship?