So, I’m a little bit annoyed by the coloring on this, since this isn’t really meant to be the finished version. I’d WANTED to do some more dramatic backlighting, and work in some of the colors of the fireworks. But, well, then that whole “Oh wait, I’m working on the wrong page!” moment I told you about yesterday happened. So this is just what I could slap together quickly in order to get to work on the ACTUAL page.

Oh yeah, just in case you didn’t tune in Friday, this is an extra update the “regular” page went up yesterday, so go check that out!

(Historical Notes: For all of Past Me’s bellyaching, I think this turned out pretty well.  Honestly, I think if I HAD added more layers of colored lighting, it would have diminished the effect.  That whole blue/green hue is pretty essential to the Statue of Liberty’s look, after all.)