Okay, this one didn’t come together the way I’d hoped at all, and trying to explain the thought process is NOT going to be easy.  If you’ve listened to the various Character Soundtracks I’ve posted on Patreon, you’ll know that The Kid’s music of choice is a weird mix of Ambient and Jazz, sort of like a detective story set in a fairytale.  It always give me a mental image of a sort of Film Noir cityscape, except the buildings are way more ornate and old-fashioned, like old Greek and Roman ruins but with fire escapes and power lines all over them.  I figure that’s what… wherever The Kid comes from looks like.  The problem, obviously, is that’s exactly the kind of architecture I’m NOT good at drawing… thus my attempt at realizing this mental image not only didn’t turn out how I wanted, but it ALSO greatly drifted away from the planned page layout in the process, to the point that most of the web of fire escapes I’d spent so much time on just got covered up by the characters.  Oh well.  That’s what first tries are for, right?

And speaking of soundtracks on Patreon, the last of the Christmas playlists is now up!  If I’ve timed this properly, there should ALSO be a sort of index page either already up or set to go up later today, which should make it a lot easier to browse through all this content.  And what’s more, that’s still TECHNICALLY not all the Far Out There stuff going up this month! …though it is the last of the free stuff.  Hey, I gotta give SOME kind of exclusive content to the paying customers, right?  So keep an eye out for that!