2021 Christmas Presents – page 5
Have I mentioned lately that I really like Whitby’s mask? Because I really do like Whitby’s mask. A lot. If there were ever a line of official Far Out There costumes, Whitby would absolutely be at the front of the list of characters to get stuff made. I don’t care if nobody remembers who he is, I just want copies of that mask to exist in real life!
You’d need to make modifications, specifically for eye-holes. Like making the opposite-coloured bits on each actually a gauze cloth that you can see through.
that’s not even remotely futurey enough, obviously there’s got to be a video projection screen on the back of it which both displays the scenery in front of it in every range of the EM spectrum as well as all possible available info, etc. Like google glasses, except useful.
…or, at the very least, one of those projector faces that new Disney animatronics have.