Well I had to make at least ONE more bit of Gright merchandise, somebody absolutely would have felt ripped off if I didn’t.

As an aside, these aren’t being posted in the order that they were made, but you can totally tell this was one of the later pages I finished because I actually tried to do a cloth texture… and it actually looks not terrible here.  I kind of wish I’d waited to do up the Stilez plushie until AFTER it occurred to me to use the felt instead of plain old regular colors.

EDIT: Okay, since I got the rest of these comics finished and posted so far ahead of schedule, I’ve decided to try and get some more of the old Voting Incentives and other stuff reposted.  I’d LIKE to try and get The Killer Station of Deadly Doom back up by Christmas, but the odds of me pulling that off are slim at best.  In the meantime, though, I at least got Far Out There vs. The Maid Cafe back online!