2021 Christmas Presents – page 11
I’ve been afraid of this happening since well before the month even started, but I’m really starting to get a bit lost on the update schedule. Not that I’m falling behind, I’m actually farther ahead on finishing Christmas pages than just about ANY year in recent memory. I’ve only got three pages left to finish, and only one of them isn’t already inked, AND I’ve still got over a week’s worth of buffer between today and the unfinished stuff. So no stress on getting stuff finished… but getting stuff POSTED? That’s another story. I’ve only been loading these pages up one at a time, because I was afraid if I loaded a whole mess of them all at once and let them go live automatically, I’d lose track of how many there were. Turns out those fears were well founded, because I totally forgot what day of the week it was Thursday and didn’t put the new Top Webcomics Voting Incentive up. And just as a new series started, too! It’s up now, though, so be sure to go vote and check it out! Oh, and speaking of losing track of things, there’s no way anyone would know this if I didn’t tell you, but I’m nothing if not a believer in transparency: I totally posted Page 10 on the 9th and had to belatedly post the intended page 9 on the 10th. There’s a lot of benefits to not doing a narrative for these things, but it DOES make it a bit tricky to keep things in order.
Oh, I should actually say something about TODAY’S page, shouldn’t I? Um… I hope Frank didn’t help bake these cookies or they’d probably suck?
They can’t be the MOST IMPORTANT cookies in the universe if they can be stolen from Hochren Honnee, packaged and sold in packets that big. More like 50th most important cookies in the universe.
Also, can you actually see Frank participating in cooking biscuits, let along biscuits that are theoretically important enough to get the stamp of approval of importance from the group he’s a part of? Because I can’t see it happening in any reasonable way.
Actually, that might be why these cookies were so easily stolen. They were next on the list of the most important cookies, but Frank made them reluctantly, so everyone knows that they suck, and allowed them to be stolen so that they could be replaced with decent cookies further down the list.
Stolen?!?!! Huh? What on Earth** are you talking about??? The Hochren Honeee sell these! As part of their enormous line of branded “most important x in the universe” products! And rest assured that the only thing more enormous than the HH’s line of “Most Important” products is the HH’s super-enormous army of Lawyers dedicated to making absolutely sure that nobody anywhere ever sells anything as being the most important in the universe without paying appropriate royalties to them!
**disclaimer – that’s just an expression of course. Nobody really believes in “Earth” – the “origin world” any more, it’s obviously just a myth, mostly propagated by ad agencies designed to promote the dozens of tourist-trap planets each claiming to be the Absolute Real Genuine Human Origin World Earth. One of which may or may not be owned by the HH and promoted as the Most Important Earth in the Entire Universe.