I really shouldn’t draw comics that involve sleeping, because I inevitably wind up finishing them in the wee hours of the morning, at which point they feel ironic in ways I didn’t originally intend.

And SPEAKING of me not getting enough sleep, there’s gonna be some extra comic content this week!  This Thursday is Far Out There’s birthday, and Friday is Valentine’s Day, and I’ve got bonus comics coming for BOTH of them!  They’re already drawn and scanned, too; I just need to do the editing and then them loaded onto the site.  Still, that’s enough extra work that I PROBABLY need to skip another TWC Voting Incentive this week.  I mean, if I somehow manage to pull an insane productivity surge and get BOTH the other comics finished and ready on Wednesday, then I’d probably be able to get a new Incentive done as well… but that’s not a wise thing to bet on.  Still, there’ll be something new for you all to read ONE way or another!