…and don’t get to used to seeing those shorts in their full technicolor glory.  This is definitely one of those “I colored everything in here so that I wouldn’t have to later” kind of pages.  Granted, at the time I was coloring the page in, Trigger’s line was going to be “Those are some really COLORFUL pants,” until I realized how much funnier of a word “squiggly” is.  If I’d have realized it sooner, I probably could have saved myself the trouble.  Especially since, as is my wont, I wound up blowing a LOT of time designing new T-shirts for Tabitha and Bridget that are virtually illegible in the final page layout.  Between that and the extra coloring, I’ve been working at this page for significantly longer than it looks like I would have been…I’m gonna go lie down.

EDIT: Voting Incentive is up!