This year, I’m thankful for COLOR GRADIENTS! Yeah, for whatever reason, as soon as I had the idea for this page, I really, REALLY wanted to go wild on the mood lighting. I think I’d just seen a whole bunch of paintings by The Brothers Hildebrandt and wanted to try and capture a similar feel. In the process, I’m pretty sure I set a new personal record for most layers in a single image (I’m genuinely astonished Manga Studio didn’t crash at some point). That’s all the more impressive when you consider that this is BARELY a rough draft of what I was planning to do. I could have EASILY spent another day or two fine tuning the various layers of lighting and adding in more details (you’ll notice a conspicuous lack of any tail feathers on this alleged turkey), buuuuut I still need to actually get FRIDAY’S stuff done… preferably ahead of schedule, so that I can have at least a LITTLE bit of Thanksgiving to actually do holiday stuff.

EDIT: I’ll just go ahead and put this here now. It’s Thursday night, the new page isn’t postable yet, and I’m fighting off a MAJOR food coma. I’m TRYING to get it up by tomorrow morning, but just in case the caffeine wears off before it’s done… sorry? If it’s Friday and you’re still seeing this page, check back in a few hours. The page’ll be done as soon as I wake up.

(Historical Notes: For about five seconds, I considered trying to re-edit some of the sloppier parts of the coloring here, and then I realized there was NO WAY I wouldn’t end up spending hours upon hours I don’t have on tiny little details that won’t affect the larger flaws in the whole lighting/shadow arrangement.  I mean, I still like this page since it’s got that whole Red/Blue thing going for it, and any chance to slip in the Mega Awesome Rangers is appreciated, but there’s some fundamental errors in what’s coming from where that could only really be fixed from a ground up re-do, and that SO isn’t happening.)