Okay, I’m bored with constant pink/purple pastels. Time to spice things up a bit. Also, HOLOGRAMS! …which I kind of messed up. I wanted the blocks of text Ichabod’s reading to be seen both from behind and through the ship’s image to add to the 3D effect. It kind of works in that sense… but all the lines interfering with each other means I had to DRASTICALLY scale back on the number of security warnings Ichabod was suddenly confronted with. I wanted there to be, like, a whole wall of them, each more crazy sounding than the last. “Optic nerves that have perceived this hologram without proper authorization will be subject to immediate seizure. ” That kind of thing. Oh well…

And since glowy colorful lines are the kind of thing I usually reserve for Incentives, New Voting Incentive! …which ironically does NOT involve glowy colorful lines for once. Weird how that works out.

Speaking of Incentives, though, I swapped out some of the ones in TWC’s Like It or Hate It voting thing. They aren’t ALL new (I left the ones that got the most votes last month), but a lot of them are. Also, those Incentives seem to expire at the end of every month, and the users have to manually reinstate the ones they want to show up again. Why do you care about that? Well, a lot of people apparently forget to do this for a few days, meaning there’s not very many active Incentives to vote on right now… OTHER THAN MINE, MWAHAHAHAHA!!! So, if you just wanna see which new things I added in a very short amount of time, now’s the best chance to do it!

(Historical Notes: See?  SEE?  Even Past Me got sick of all the pastels really quick!  On a more positive note, though, I’m still EXTREMELY happy with how this page turned out.  Yeah, more warning messages might have been funnier, but this page has such a different visual kick to it that I think it’s worth scaling the text gags back a bit.  For now, at least.)