I have no idea why this page ended up being so hard to draw, because it was. Even after lots and LOTS of polishing up, it still only looks… okay. And multiple close ups of faces talking is usually the one thing I can do pretty well, too.

Well, maybe it’s because I burned out my brain on the writing, which I actually DO like. Look! Avatar’s brain full of All The Facts is actually having an effect on the plot beyond just being a way to unload some exposition! Also, Avatar and Tax interacting. The people love them some Avatar and Tax.

And as always, another new Voting Incentive. What other weird costumes could Tabitha possible have left? Find out now!

(Historical Notes: I gotta be honest, this page is slightly autobiographical.  I know a LOT of random trivia about things I haven’t actually seen/played/heard/done.  Of course, I don’t get as many unsolicited offers of hugs as Avatar got after this page.)