Dang, how long has it been since Avatar actually got to SAY stuff? She’s either been off-screen or reacting to someone else for a WHILE now… and it’s still more than Tax has gotten to do recently. Yeah, this has turned into another one of those arcs where there’s just too many characters to keep in play all at once. Or, at least, not without a LOT more rewrites than two updates a week will allow.

Heck, MORE that two updates a week, sometimes. In fact, you guys might want to check out this site sometime tomorrow. Just a suggestion…

Oh, and as always, there’s a new Voting Incentive for those of you who need a second pair of cute girls.

(Historical Notes: That bit of blatant forth-wall-breaking raised a few eyebrows, and it’s really not the sort of thing I would normally have done, but I realized at the VERY last minute that the original dialog could have been misconstrued as an on-screen death… and this is STILL Far Out There, so that had to change.)