And so, Layla goes from ONE older guy in glasses who talks too much to ANOTHER older guy in glasses who talks too much. But hey, at least Disonar’s hair is rainbow colored again. That’s gotta count for something, right?

Speaking of band names, who remembers that most of the main Far Out There characters have their own custom Pandora stations? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. The page with the links was one of the ones I set up outside Smackjeeves, so it didn’t work very often. But hey, I finally got everything (I think) on this site, so knock yourselves out, guys!

This is one more page I pounded out before heading to Otakon, so by the time you see it I’ll be up to my next in Conventional Wisdom comics. As I write this, I’m not sure if I’ll try to crank out Friday’s comic before leaving. I probably don’t NEED to, but if I have one less thing to do Thursday night, we MIGHT have some new Voting Incentives. I dunno, we’ll see.

(Historical Notes: Okay, unlike the wall of posters earlier, THIS page actually managed to set up some stuff that actually got mentioned again in later comics.  THAT’S what I’m talking about.  Also, I THINK those Pandora stations still technically exist, but it’s been so long since I actually used Pandora that I can’t say for sure.  Besides, it’s been so long since I actively curated any of them, I’m sure years and years of song licenses changing means none of them actually sound anything like they were supposed to anymore.  Well, that’s why the characters all have those Patreon playlists now.)