You know, it’s funny. Half the reason this page exists is to piece together all the little details of what’s going on so that no one will be confused… but looking over the comments, I’m actually fairly sure that you guys worked it all out on your own. Using the emergency lamps to gauge how much power they can use is the only thing somebody hasn’t mentioned already.

But hey, excited Trigger is always adorable, so there.

Now, I’m sorry to report that there’s not a new Voting Incentive today. I feel bad pulling this after Tuesday’s went up so late, but… well, that’s actually part of the reason, right there. I’m never sure who all sees the Twitter and Facebook announcements, so I wanted to make sure nobody missed the current page. It has nothing to do with the fact that I’ll have already been at MAGFest a whole day by the time you read this. That would suggest that I was just in a hurry and cut some corners. Whatever gave you that idea?

(Historical Notes: Again, lots of very smart and clever and interesting theorizing about the scifi stuff happening here that got left in the SmackJeeves comments.  However, my favorite comment of the bunch was actually a late observation for the previous comic: in the light of my speculating that The Cap’n deliberately avoided spending too much money on the emergency systems, Trigger and Layla’s “The ship’s broke”/”And so’s the Captain” exchange takes on a whole second layer.  I really wish I was smart enough to come up with stuff like that on purpose.)