Well, that’s gotta be the most fanservice-y thing that’s ever been in a page of Far Out There. It’s proving very hard to resist making a few “balloon” puns right now.

Anyway, Neva’s another of those future pop culture references that keep popping up from time to time. Also, I must confess to my great shame that Neva is a remnant of an earlier comic idea that NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO SEE.

Stuff you don’t care about: I’m actually not sure if, in universe, Neva is supposed to be real or not. I mean, “Neva” is obviously a fictional character, but I haven’t decided if there’s an actress playing her or if she’s some sort of animated virtual thing. These are the kinds of things science fiction writers think about in the middle of the night.

Anyway, we’ve also got a new Voting Incentive, which is fanservice of a totally different nature.

(Historical Notes: Oh sweet, innocent Past Me, still totally unawares of the ill-conceived depths your future self will sink to in the name of “satire.”)