Big, crazy, over-the-top reactions are funny (see every time Layla’s ever been aggravated by anything) but what I like about this page is the total lack of that. Trigger’s not annoyed, worried, stressed out, nothing. That blank stare just cracks me up.

Anyway, a heads up about the next week or so: I’m gonna be at Animazement next weekend, so all the usual “Conventional Wisdom’s got me busy” stuff will apply. I should have enough comics done to keep things running smoothly, but I can’t guarantee I’ll have enough Voting Incentives. We’ll see what happens when it happens.

And speaking of which, Voting Incentive!

(Historical Notes: Okay, THIS page is an example of the the whole “blurry background bringing the foreground into focus” thing working out extremely well.  On a lot of these pages, I tried to do multiple stages of gradually-increasing blur to create extra depth… only for all that detail to be lost once I scaled the whole thing down from the giant work copy to the web-sized version.  THIS time, I just slapped one massive layer of blur over everything, and it worked out WAY better.  Sometimes, ya just have to punch your way through.)