Oh yeah. That’s a thing they did, didn’t they? Oops. But hey, the longer it stays dark, the longer I can put off actually designing a layout for this communication room. (Seriously, I have NO idea how big this room is, how many consoles there are, where the door is, ANYTHING)

So, anyway, LOOK! It’s a comic on Monday! How about that? Is your MIND TOTALLY BLOWN? Mine would be, if it wasn’t already turned to mush trying to get this many extra pages done on top of next month’s Christmas stuff. But hey, it’ll be worth it in the end! So, yeah, don’t forget to tune in WEDNESDAY for another shiny new page!

…but there WON’T be a new Voting Incentive Wednesday. I’ve got enough Incentive art to cover twice a week, but three would burn through ’em too fast, as as I’ve previously established, I’ve already got a LOT to draw this month. So yeah, new Voting Incentive today and another one Friday. Enjoy!

(Historical Notes: I know it doesn’t look like much, but I seriously spent AGES cleaning up weird little details on this page.  The whole thing just felt… “off.”  Like when you look at a mirror image of something you drew and all of a sudden everything seems out of whack in ways that you never noticed before.  It’s WEIRD.  Also weird is how different the communication room thing would end up looking when I finally did work out the layout.  There’s a LOT of walls missing here. No WONDER the Cap’n is so angry about the mess Trigger made!)