Don’t lie, fellas. This would be pretty horrifying to experience. To make matters worse, I can guarantee Layla is the first girl Kevin ever seriously thought he had something with (even if only for a minute), let alone the first to tear him a new one like this. Like the song says, the first cut is the deepest (though, this being Layla, it’d probably be the deepest anyway)

Well, this is the last page I’m loading in advance, so goodbye from the past! I wonder what things will be like in the future? …no, seriously, I honestly do wonder as I write this if I’ll have found a place to live by the time you read this. Well, one way or another, I’m sure I’ll have edited this to give you guys an update by then.

(Historical Notes: Whoops!  Slightly-Less-Past Me never did go back and amend that message the way Slightly-More-Past Me thought he would.  Suffice to say, I didn’t end up dying homeless after all.  Also, I wish I’d had time to adjust the layout of this page better.  That bottom panel shouldn’t be the smallest one.)