Now THAT’S just not nice… except for the bit about Jenna. Layla takes the responsibility of an older sibling seriously, don’t ya know?

Once again, you’re hearing from me about a week in the past, so I don’t have that much else to say (unless I go back and edit this later)

EDIT: Well, I DID edit later, but there’s still not much to say, other than I DO have a place to live for sure now, but the coming month will still be really busy and hectic none the less. Thanks for being so patient, guys! You’re all awesome!

(Historical Notes: …huh.  Re-reading this page again, I’m actually a bit surprised at how restrained it is.  I remembered Layla’s dialog being even more insultingly cruel, but I guess I toned it down a tad to make certain the comic remained appropriate for general audiences.  That’s almost certainly for the best… and no, I’m not going to repeat any of the stuff i THOUGHT I remembered being said here.)