Well, I guess that settles that. Oh well, sorry Miss Giant Top Hat Lady (I really wish I was better at naming characters) Oh, did I mention that the character’s actually female? Yeah, the jacket kind of makes it hard to tell, don’t it?

By the way, for the few of you who’d care, this is pretty much my opinion of most conspiracy theorists.

OH! And if you’re wondering what that weird word in the last panel is, I borrowed it from Farscape. Been a while since we had one of THOSE shout outs, huh?

Finally, some news about Voting Incentives. Once again, I’m loading a whole bunch of pages in advance (I don’t leave for Animazement for a week or so, but I wanted to go ahead and get this stuff online) which means I don’t actually know what the incentive IS as I write this. I should be able to get enough incentives up to cover most of the month, I just won’t be able to make witty remarks about them here. Try to contain your sadness.

(Historical Notes: Wow, there are SEVERAL things related to this page that I’d assumed I’d able to talk about a decade later, but here were are and NOPE!)