I NEVER want to hear the beginning OR end to that story, thank you very much.

So, it’s been a while since we saw Ichabod, hasn’t it? I’ve only been drawing him in non-comic page contexts for a while now, and I’m only now realizing that his design seems to have changed a bit. His hat seems to be a lot floppier now (more like the “real” hat I made for myself) and his face seems a lot more angular now. I don’t know if I’ll keep drawing him this way or slip back into my old ways, but it’s neat to see now, at least.

(Historical Notes: I didn’t mention it here, but part of the reason I redesigned Ichabod was so that he’d look a bit less like my stand-in character in Conventional Wisdom.  I was starting to get pretty tired of people referring to Ichabod as an author insert.)