…I’m sure if that’s THE most “Wait, WHAT?” moment, in Far Out There history, but it’s gotta be in the top five. Seriously, though, there WILL be a logical, coherent reason for introducing a van full of Jesus Freaks into a story about mad scientists. Just go with me on this, ‘kay? (Hey, if you’ve stuck with the comic to this point, you probably aren’t shaken by much anyway)

Oh, and just for the record: anyone who feels the need to make snarky comments about these guys is totally free to do so, but be forewarned that the guy drawing this comic is basically one of them 🙂

Anyway, dig all that color! It just seemed wrong to introduce a bunch of hippies in black and white, ya know? (It’s sort of the reverse of page 125, if you think about it)

Also, as if you haven’t already heard it: SEND IN CHARACTERS FOR THE CAMEO FEST!!! There’s a ton already, but there’s still plenty of room!!!