And now, we get to the secret REAL reason we have so many Christmas pages: it’s an excuse to take all these Characters who haven’t been relevant to plot for ages and say “LOOK! See? These guys still matter! They’re TOTALLY gonna show up again!” And for the record, I DO intend to keep using Ram Quatzi, there just hasn’t been a good opportunity for it yet.

And now, some frustrating news: See how this page isn’t THAT late today? Well, it’s ‘cos there’s no Voting Incentive. I was afraid this was gonna happen at some point, but I’m gonna have to put The Killer Station of Deadly Doom on hold again. Basically, with holiday travel looming and some HELLISH work schedules right before it, there just won’t be time to finish the remaining pages AND those extra comics as well. Poop. Sorry guys!

(Historical Notes: I still find myself struggling to find good places to slip in a random Ram Quatzi cameo.  It’s not so much that he’s hard to drop into situations, it’s just that I take SO FRICKIN’ LONG TO FINISH ANY STORIES that the chances take forever to actually arrive.)