I wish I was clever enough to deliberately have gotten this page done late in order to give the material an extra element of meta-humor… but nope! While there’s definitely a bit of art imitating life here, it’s just because[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Jamilla
Okay, if The Xafri Twins are the top of my list of characters I want to see in more than just a one-off, I think Jamilla and the other Hoch’ren Honnee who AREN’T Frank are in second place. Also, Frank[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Holy crap, Tabitha obviously opened a portal all the way to Christmas, because when was the last time we saw FRANK and company in a comic other than a holiday cameo? ANd before you ask, yes, this is basically the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(Historical Notes: Ah, I see Past Me finally came to his senses and quit trying to create furniture that would actually fit in with the photo backgrounds. Good for Past Me. Also, nice to see those guards that used to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Huh, that’s weird. After the nightmare that was yesterday’s page, this one came together like a breeze. I mean, it’s still late, but that’s just ‘cos I got started late ‘cos I was wrapping stuff last night. As far as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A bit of mythos fine-tuning here. Originally the Hoch’ren Honnee were supposed to be a sort of messianic cult. That was the whole point behind the “most important person” titles: the Number One Most Important Person was the one who[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
page 874 – Quality Programing
Two pages up at midnight in a row! This one’s not quite as impressive as last time, since this is the “posted days earlier to cover a convention trip” page, but still! Sadly, I must report that I did NOT[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hey look! It’s Frank! And the other slightly less important people in the universe! AND NOW THERE’S EVEN MORE OF THEM! The Hoch’ren Honnee characters are yet another bunch that I’d REALLY hoped to work into this year’s comics someplace,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Now THIS is a momentous occasion! Frank first appeared way back and has been really bratty ever since. BUT, aside from the duckfaced bodyguards, we never saw anybody else from this supposed cult… UNTIL NOW! Yes, due to popular demand,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…