This comic involves drawing an elaborate network of large mechanical devices performing a complicated task… and also one cute girl hugging another. I think it aptly demonstrates which of the two plays to my strengths as an artist. Speaking of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged Ichabod
…and this is the part where the thirtysomething guy who wears tie-dyed shirts & pajama bottoms most of the day attempts to guess what a teenage girl in the future would consider “dressing up nice”. Anyway, I’ve got bad news[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dang it, I forgot to color in Tabitha’s speech bubble on the last page, didn’t I? Also, in the distant future, deactivating futuristic ship to ship communications makes a “click” noise just like hanging up a phone. Do not question[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Layla is officially the only person in the universe who didn’t immediately assume Tabitha was causing this right from the start. Also, she is SEVERELY overestimating the number of times they’ve been threatened by someone or something Ichabod is acquainted[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Because coming up with wacky sounding things from Ichabod’s past is one of the most enjoyable parts of this job. Have fun speculating what all those things are! Also, YAY! I managed to get an extra page done before MAGFest![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So, I feel like I haven’t truly been able to participate in all the conversations these past few updates, what with all the MAGFest prep and all. Seeing as how that’s only gonna get worse over the next few updates,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I never get tired of Trigger having a totally different set of priorities where interaction with others is concerned. Well, this was a doubly annoying update. Fir one thing, I really, REALLY thought this page was going to go up…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow, yet another late page. And amazingly enough, yet another TOTALLY DIFFERENT CAUSE than the previous ones. This time it was problems with my art programs. Nothing serious, I got it all straightened out, but… well, here we are, not[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No matter WHAT the situation, Layla will NEVER allow a chance to make Ichabod uncomfortable slip by unused. So, what’s the excuse for the page being late THIS time? We’ve had post con burnout, we’ve had technical difficulties, maybe we[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
…of course, that doesn’t explain the whole “forgetting things that happened just a few minutes ago” thing… but seeing as how I nearly as bad as she is about that, I shouldn’t really talk. Okay, if you missed the little[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…