The Far Out There Christmas Parade – page 24
I freaking love these girls. That’s just all there is to it.
But yeah! 2013 Far Out There Christmas Parade done! I hope you guys enjoyed probably the most elaborate thing Far Out There’s done so far! I can’t wait to see what insane idea I try to top it with next year! No, seriously. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the huuuuuge ideas I’ve been too scared to actually try so far.
Still, we obviously have one more day to go before the ENTIRE Christmas update spree is done. SO be sure to tune in tomorrow for one last special page!
And, of course, don’t forget to see today’s new Voting Incentive that I haven’t actually drawn yet as I write this but it’s probably really cool!
Tabitha is NOT a Mad Scientist.
Absolutely NOT.
She’s NOTHING like those guys.
Keep telling yourself that, Tabitha.
Come on, Ed8. She’s not a Mad Scientist, she’s a Crazed Inventor. Wait, that sounds worse. How about Maniac Creator? Yeah, let’s go with Maniac Creator. In this case, she wanted to create an entertaining distraction for Stilez.
Mentally Disordered Investigator of Non-standard Scientific Phenomena?
or just Crazy Cat Lady?
She can’t be a Crazy Cat Lady, she doesn’t have enough cats. Besides, it would be Prolific Cat Caretaker, or Crazy Cat Lady, now wouldn’t it?
Maybe in this case the adjective ‘crazy’ modifies ‘cat’ instead of how it usually modifies ‘lady’, so rather than a crazy lady with lots of cats, we just have a lady with one crazy cat.
(Although really it’s Ichabod’s cat.)
Tabitha prefers “ESOTERIC Scientist”
she’s not mad, just excited to help