The Far Out There Christmas Parade – page 2
THIS is why I went mad and committed to such a long Christmas storyline: it’s the perfect opportunity to squeeze in ALL THE CAMEOS! I feel like I owe everyone an apology for spending so much time on a plot arc that deliberately shut out the larger Far Out There universe. I mean, all these barely glimpse pop culture figures and running gags are half the fun, right?
In case you forgot (and I wouldn’t blame you) Vashti here has appeared in little background bits for a while, but this is the first time we’ve actually seen her in person. Will it be the last? Well, that all depends on how quickly I can get through the next few arcs *hinthinthint*
By the way: I didn’t intend this at first, but I can totally see Vashti’s backing band being store bought Artificial Musicians by the same company that made Blip.
Oh, and a bit of shopkeeping: there’s no new Voting Incentive today. That’s going back to the old Tuesday/Friday cycle. So check back tomorrow to see Tabitha’s Hug Quest reaching its inevitable climax!
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