The Far Out There Christmas Parade – page 18
Yet another Stilez vs. Christmas cameo, folks! I wonder if he’s having to lipsync the story he’s telling the same way musical performers on parade floats do?
Anyway, yeah. Touchy subject there, dude…
Yet another Stilez vs. Christmas cameo, folks! I wonder if he’s having to lipsync the story he’s telling the same way musical performers on parade floats do?
Anyway, yeah. Touchy subject there, dude…
Normally I tend to disagree with Layla on stuff, but I can definitely empathize with her on this one, as someone who also has no remaining family members (no cotton candy was involved), the constant holiday season harping by every media outlet that “the only thing that matters is getting to spend holidays with family, otherwise you are a worthless grinchscrooge” tends to get very old after the millionth iteration. Though for me it’s less depressing and more annoying. So, yeah, metaphorical fist-bump to Layla on this one.
Also: Is my child Preconscious Enough? I actually didn’t even know that was a word.
Maybe “precious” or “precocious” was intended?
It was supposed to be “precocious,” but unfortunately I can’t really correct the narrative text on these pages due to the background details, so any typos there are sadly permanent.
Unrelated to this page, just throwing this randomly into the suggestion box: the “recent comments” section should have more entries / go further back. You never know when someone with too much spare time might comment on dozens of strips in succession, but completely out of order so they don’t remember which strips they were.
Ya know, I hadn’t even thought to look at whether or not I can change those settings…