Yup!  Ya’ll totally called it!  Stilez could smell where all the replacement vending machines sit around until Cap’n Crosby needs to swap out an empty machine.  I correctly feared that the signs on all the haphazardly-stacked machines would turn out to be harder to read in the finished version than what I expected while drawing everything.  That’s the whole reason last week’s page went up on its own instead of being an extra row on this one.  That, and I wanted to give Stilez’s slapstick moment a bit more room to breathe… thought I don’t think that wound up helping much.  I could go on and on with rambly art nitpicking about how the second and third panels turned out, but it’s almost 2am and I’ve been working on this thing all day.  I doubt I’d do a very good job of explaining myself.

10/13 EDIT: New TWC Voting Incentive is up!