Page 98 – And Now, A Quick Demonstration…
Aww DANG IT, I’m doing it again! I HATE it when webcomics drag individual plot points across multiple updates! 😀
By the way, I said was going to try and redo the layout in honor of the looming page 100, but I can’t guarantee it’ll ALL actually be done by next week. The primary reason for that is my being a lazy bum, but I continue to officially blame my job (hey, I blame it for everything else in my life that bugs me, so why not this too?)
(Historical note: That’s far less funny when you re-read it after being unemployed for a while. Cue plug for Patreon! Also, the self-deprecating caption boxes really need to ease up a bit, this is one of the BETTER cliffhanger moments in Far Out There. I like how the one foggy bubble sort of “devours” the rest of the page, which I’m PRETTY sure was intentional foreshadowing.)
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