There’s something rather sad that “only” getting a page finished two hour late feels like as much of a victory as this does. But given what the update schedule of late has been, it truly is an accomplishment to have gotten this up before dawn. What’s more, I’m not exactly in full command of my faculties right now (as documented elsewhere) so it’s a little amazing that I’m even awake right now, let alone getting a page done.

Speaking of which: Hey kids! Got a fairly uninspired page layout that you want to jazz up but don’t feel like taking the time to actually draw more elaborate art or write something more exciting? Try new Vaguely Unusual Panel Borders! It makes people boringly standing around look more dynamic than it is AND eats up needless empty space in panels that you forgot to fill! (True story: the only reason Avatar has a line in the second panel is because I needed a speech bubble to fill up the empty space in the bottom left that I’d forgotten about. That’s the quality operation your dealing with here, folks)

Oh, by the way, it’s the first of a new month! You know what that means? It means the Top WebComics Like It or Hate It bonus incentive voting thing is resetting, which ALSO means it’ll be a day or two before most of the comics get around to reinstating their stuff. When I went through and reactivated my stuff for the month, Far Out There was the ONLY comic with anything active. So if you wanna see what I put up there without wadding through everybody else’s stuff for hours (and giving Far Out There a big boost in the TWC rankings in the process), now’s the perfect chance! And, of course, there’s today’s new Voting Incentive for those who just want some instant gratification 😀

EDIT: Oh snap, look what happened last night!

(Historical Notes: The question was asked if Bridget had any creepy fixations, and that all depends on how you interpret her Mommy worship.)