Fun Fact: as I was up at 4 am inking this page about forgetting things as part of a scramble to get stuff done before a convention, I realized I had, in fact, completely forgotten to prereg from that convention. LIFE IMITATES ART! (It’s okay, I got it taken care of at the last minute)

So, yeah, this page is the first of several being done in my usual sleepless marathon session before Otakon. You can tell, since it’s actually going up at midnight for once! There SHOULD be a new Voting Incentive up too… though that’s one of the problems with trying to do things in advance like this. If you’re a real early bird, you MIGHT be reading this before I actually get around to swapping out the code for the new Incentive. If so… well, it’s not like you won’t have a chance to see the new one later, since I didn’t get an extra Incentive done for Friday.

Also, it caught me by surprise that this was the first normal page where I actually colored Mariska in rather than the “this is on a screen, see?” gradient effect. Cut to sleep-deprived me taking WAY too long to figure out how her sleeves and gloves should contrast against each other in greyscale.

(Historical Notes: Well thank heavens at least THIS managed to get paid off before the hiatus hit.  We weren’t spinning our wheels COMPLETELY.)