Whoooo boy, this is a doozy of a late one. No last minute, ground-up rewrites to blame it on this time. Nope, I just went to bed early, slept in late, and didn’t even get started on this page until it was already stupidly late. If I’m gonna try and blame anything, it’s me spending all week trying to finally get the rest of those Conventional Wisdom comics finished and online… which I finally did yesterday morning, but a week’s worth of crazy lack of sleep caught up with me all once, and here we are. Worse, I’m afraid I wasn’t able to get a new Voting Incentive done at all today. Dang it, this was the longest stretch without an interruption for a WHILE. We even made it through Animazement without missing a day, right? …um, I think? Now that I complain about it, I actually can’t remember.

Well, anyway, now that all that leftover Animazement stuff is finally out of the way, I can focus on… GETTING READY FOR OTAKON NEXT MONTH! WHEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee…

(Historical Notes: That “stretching out of the screen” moment at the end still kind of weirds me out.)