This is the part where I really ought to be writing something pertaining to either this page or the comic as a whole… but I honestly can’t come up with diddly squat. It’s a new page, it sets the story for the next several pages in motion, and I really dig the use of green here… Huh, I guess I COULD come up with something to write. Well, enjoy!

(Historical Note: Don’t worry, past me, I got ya covered.  It’s impressive how quickly I went from no color whatsoever to some kind of color on EVERY page.  This is really the perfect example of how to best do it, too.  A single color, or several shades of the same color, used to highlight a single aspect of the page that needs to really stand out.  Given how I struggle TO THIS DAY with over-doing it and putting too many colors on the same page for any one to stand out, it’s weird to see myself doing it so well so early on.)