It’s something fitting about a page featuring a botched experiment being late because I had to throw half the art out and redo it from scratch. Yeah, I bet you thought I was gonna blame today’s delay on being busy with Conventional Wisdom stuff, didn’t ya? Well, I’m not gonna lie, that didn’t help, but it wasn’t the main problem. No, the real deadline breaker was that my first take on the second panel… well, it kinda sucked. I mean, this version’s no masterpiece either, but at least there’s SOMETHING to look at. While the “Little Tabitha sabotages Dad’s mad science disguised as alchemy” idea was the same, the first draft relied entirely on technobabble-heavy dialog. Dr. Caligari was just staring into a glowing vat of goo, and Tabitha was just talking into an intercom without holding anything. It was… SOOOOO boring, so I started over, gave Tabitha a visual gag to hold, and added a skull/gemstone monster crawling out of the vat… which is actually one of the better weird creature ideas I’ve had in a while.

And also, new Voting Incentive which was actually a part of that page-revamping brainstorming process. Can’t be wasteful with our doodles, right? Gotta use every part of the buffalo!

(Historical Notes: Oh yeah, THIS is the kind of palate-cleansing color scheme I want more of.  I’m always down for lots of red… although it’s kind of annoying in this SPECIFIC instance because I really wanted to edit the line art on Tiny Tabitha but I can’t without screwing up those color gradients.  The sacrifices I make for cool colors…)