Well, normally her eyes don’t bug out like huge, unblinking balloons, so there’s THAT…

Oh, and look! I finally got a chance to show that new shirt design I was talking about! I bet Chemistry Deathmatches are like Pro Wrestling: the experiments are predetermined, but the science on display is so impressive that the audience lets itself get swept up in the hypotheses anyway.

So, today’s new Voting Incentive is another one I had to post before I really felt like it was “done” …though in this case it was less of a time thing as more of a “Holy crap, that’s a lot of thunder and lightning, I need to wrap this up before the power goes out!” kind of thing… and the power never actually did go out, so that happened.

OH! And be sure to check back here later this weekend! I’ve really been crap about this kind of thing this year, buuuuut there’s gonna be an extra something on Sunday!

(Historical Notes: I’m a bit surprised that Past Me didn’t point out how there’s a Voting Incentive slipped in with all the Real Page flashbacks.)